Continental Bookshop

About DMB

What is DMB?

DMB is Deutsche Musik und Bücher, the Continental Bookshop’s “club” for customers who want to know about and purchase German music on CD, German films and documentaries on DVD, German books (non-fiction, fiction, children’s books), German games and other material.

♦ Membership is FREE. To join, please fill out this form;

♦ Members remain part of the “club” and continue receiving our catalogues simply by ordering/purchasing a minimum of FOUR ITEMS a year from our catalogues;

♦ Anyone can be a member! Wherever you are in Australia, or even overseas, you can order German books, music, films and all things German from us;

♦ Book Catalogues are mailed out to members 3-4 times a year; Music & DVD Catalogues are mailed out to members 4-5 times a year; information about games, computer games or other material is available upon request;

♦ Members can choose to receive Book Catalogues only, Music & DVD Catalogues only, or both catalogues;

♦ Adults’, children’s, everything! Books, music, films, Rätsel-Hefte, Romane-Hefte, games, computer games and much more can be obtained for our members by special order – just ask us for information, and we’ll be happy to order your requested titles;

♦ Our previous Music & DVD Catalogues are available from our website as downloadable pdf files;

♦ Our staff includes two German-speaking specialists, so that we can help you effectively;

♦ Visit us at Continental Bookshop to see our EXTENSIVE in-stock German range;

♦ Membership can be cancelled at any time simply by phoning us, faxing us, emailing us or sending us a letter.





Please note: price are listed in Australian dollars and include GST. Prices subject to change without notice.
Minimum deposit $20 required when ordering titles not in stock. (Non-refundable for cancelled orders; refundable if title unobtainable.)

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